As a struggling drug user, life can be tough. One of the hardest parts of recovery is the feeling of loneliness. It can be hard to remember that there
The Best Inspirational Quotes for Drug Addicts
If you or a loved one have struggled with drug addiction, then you know it's not easy. Fortunately, many inspirational quotes for drug addicts have
The Most Encouraging Words for Drug Addicts
If you or a loved one have ever struggled with drug addiction, then you know it can be tough. It can feel isolating, and encouragement is often taken
Eternal Maternal Wisdom
We are always bonded to our Mothers. A Mother is not just the woman who gave birth to us. She is the parent who raises us, teaches us right from
Two Steps to Help Find Your Mojo
The word “mojo” ( mō-jō ) was first used in 1926. It can be defined as magic power, a spell, a charm or a lucky talisman. Mojo keeps you safe from
73 Awesome, Inspirational, and Funny Back to School Quotes
It's now time for all the kids to pack their bags, don their new uniforms, and head back to school. It can be a difficult transition from the freedom
Tremendously Inspirational Quotes About Finding Yourself
Leading a pretty good life, we wonder about the 'how' and 'why' sometimes. More so when not leading a happy life. May be, we should all grab such
30 Quotes and Sayings About the Pitfalls of Complacency
Complacency is a rigid illusion nursed by those who embrace mediocrity as a way of their life. A dangerous disguise, it also deprives people of
26 Humble and Inspirational Quotes About Servant Leadership
Servant leadership implies the concept of a leader also being a good servant. Various advocates of servant leadership include big names such as Robert