It begins and ends with the Force! In 1977, the epic movie Star Wars: A New Hope was released. It was an instant hit which featured amazing
30 Quotes on Civil Disobedience By Really Famous Leaders
Quotes on civil disobedience sum up the main ideas and principles of this popular movement that helped the oppressed and weaker sections of society to
75 Delightfully Witty and Famous Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche's 'saying "yes" to life' attitude, getting notoriously acidic with other philosophers, and a fondness for ironies and
Mystically Breathtaking Famous Quotes About Fate and Its Ways
Does fate control our lives, or are we the master? Click here to find out what experienced individuals quote, and what the famous have to say about
You Must Check Out These Famous Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A man of unswerving conviction and moral courage, Dietrich Bonhoeffer is reckoned as one of the most influential Christian thinkers. On his quest to
48 Famous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda That Everyone Should Know
Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual idol for millions, devoted his life to contemplation. In his entire journey, he kept himself away from worldly
34 Famous Black and White Quotes and Sayings, Colored in Sense
Just as every yin needs a yang, every positive needs a negative, likewise everything that is white needs a black to have a sense of dichotomy and to
80 Famous Quotes By Padre Pio to Inspire You to No End
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina was, and still is, one of the most famous priest known for bearing the stigmata―the Holy Wounds of Christ―for 50 long years!
40 Famous Quotes and Sayings About Humanity and Human Nature
Humans are smart, creative, talented, and talkative creatures, and their nature is something that nobody can define clearly. They experience a