Love knows no language, but words are important. Words may be just another way to express how you feel inside, they can also be the one thing that was missing in your love life. Revive the romance in your love story with these popular German sayings and phrases about love.
Ich Liebe dich! (I Love You!)
<< Nicht die Schönheit bestimmt, wen wir lieben, sondern die Liebe, wen wir schön finden.
>> It’s not beauty which determines whom we love but love determines whom we find beautiful.
Love is stronger than you could ever think. Wait for love to join hands with words and you have a combination that could kill. They say that if a writer falls in love with you, you become immortal. You become an inspiration for them. It is you who moves them to put their thoughts on paper as beautifully strung words. This inspiration is the sole force that can drive them to write a love story, pen down a love ballad, or come up with a quote which would make you fall in love with them every time you read it.
Love is crazy. Lovers are crazier. It is this craziness which makes them do crazy things. Beautiful things; things that make you believe that love can be and is forever. Love is not just one feeling…it is a mix of emotions. Right from happiness, excitement, wanting, anger, disappointment, longing, jealousy to expectations, hope, belonging, understanding, acceptance, rejection, courage, contentment, impulsiveness, thrill… love is a bit of everything. And love quotes try to put a bit of everything into a sentence or two to aesthetically express what the mind and soul feels at the moment.
The German language is not well-sung, but that doesn’t stop the Germans from expressing their love and feelings. A lot of famous German quotes, poems, phrases, and sayings about love have been penned down. Some of them have been listed down in this Quotabulary article. Have a German sweetheart? Use one of the following quotes to impress them and sweep them off their feet.
Popular German Love Poems
Nähe des Geliebten
(Nearness of the Beloved One)
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ich bin bei dir, du seist auch noch so ferne, Du bist mir nah! Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten mir die Sterne. O wärst du da!
I am with you, however far away you may be, You are next to me! The sun is setting, soon the stars will shine upon me. If only you were here!
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Popular German Love Sayings
Liebe überwindet alles.
Love conquers all.
Liebe ist blind.
Love is blind.
Mit der wahren Liebe ist’s wie mit den Geistererscheinungen: alle Welt spricht darüber, aber wenige haben etwas davon gesehen.
With true love it’s like seeing ghosts: everyone talks about it, but few have ever seen it.
Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft.
Jealousy is a passion that passionately seeks what causes pain.
Gegensätze ziehen sich an.
Opposites attract.
Not ist der Liebe Tod.
When poverty comes in, love flies out.
Der Liebe ist kein Ding unmöglich.
Nothing is impossible for love.
Liebe geht durch den Magen.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Liebe ist eine Krankheit, die man haben will.
Love is a sickness one wants to have.
Der Liebe ist kein Wind zu kalt.
No wind is too cold for lovers.
Die Augen sind der Liebe Tür.
The eyes are the window to the soul.
Im Krieg und in der Liebe ist alles erlaubt.
All is fair in love and war.
Alte Liebe rostet nicht.
True love never dies.
Was sich liebt, das neckt sich.
Teasing is a sign of affection.
Wider die Liebe ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
There’s no cure for love.
Wo man Liebe sät, da wächst Freude.
When you sow love, joy will grow.
Die Liebe wächst mit der Entfernung.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Popular German Love Phrases
Have you been trying to learn the art of expressing your love in Deutsch? Here is a list of a few German phrases that will help you get started. Pick one, go right ahead and use it on your sweetheart and look like the most amazing German lover there ever could be!
Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens.
You are the love of my life.
Ich vermisse Dich so sehr.
I miss you so much.
Ich liebe Dich.
I love you.
Ich möchte den Rest meines Lebens mit Dir verbringen.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Ohne Dich kann ich nicht leben.
I can’t live without you.
Ich bin Hals ϋber Kopf in Dich verliebt.
I am head over heels in love with you.
Ich liebe Dich mit ganzem Herzen.
I love you with all my heart.
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick.
It was love at first sight.
Du machst mich so glϋcklich.
You make me so happy.
Meine Liebe wächst von Tag zu Tag.
I love you more and more every day.
Do not worry if you are not an expert in the language yet. Sometimes, more than perfection, it is the effort that shines through. Making that effort of learning a new language just to tell your lover how much they mean to you is enough to light up their world.