Words of wisdom always help you when you hit rock bottom. There are quotes and sayings for every mood and occasion. Read the following Quotabulary article to know more.
Whether they’re about life in general or relationships, quotes are always a source of inspiration and hope. They help in nurturing a broken heart or getting you through a tough phase of your life. They can cheer you up within minutes and also teach you the importance every relation. Let’s get to know some of the widely-loved sayings.
About Life
Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us. ― Earl Nightingale
Our talents are the gift that God gives to us… What we make of our talents is our gift back to God. ― Leo Buscaglia
So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each man’s genius contracts itself to a very few hours. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent. Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate. Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible. ― Jane Rubietta
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. ― Thomas Jefferson
Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. ― Sidney Madwed
Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force. ― Tom Blandi
About Love
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. ― Plato
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. ― Robert Frost
They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love. ― William Shakespeare
Love is not altogether a delirium, yet it has many points in common therewith. ― Thomas Carlyle
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. ― Albert Einstein
My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me. ― Winston Churchill
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ― Emily Bronte
Quotes by Famous People
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important. ― Bertrand Russell
317 is a prime, not because we think so, or because our minds are shaped in one way rather than another, but because it is so, because mathematical reality is built that way. ― Godfrey Hardy
A religion contradicting science and a science contradicting religion are equally false. ― P.D. Ouspensky
I don’t know anything about music. In my line you don’t have to. ― Elvis Presley
I never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television. ― Gore Vidal
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. ― Joseph Stalin
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. ― Edward Abbey
To Tickle Your Funny Bone
Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home. ― Phyllis Diller
I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house. ― Zsa Zsa Gabor
Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn’t go far didn’t see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded. ― Tim Allen
If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten. ― George Carlin
My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance. ― Tim Allen
Never lie down with a woman who’s got more troubles than you. ― Anonymous
If you want to say it with flowers, a single rose says: “I’m cheap!” ― Delta Burke