There are many definitions for ‘being strong’. Being strong means being fearless, having willingness to let go and try again, face difficult situations, and get through them successfully. Here is a compilation of famous and inspirational quotes about moving on and being strong.
What is the meaning of being strong?
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Life is all about the good and bad, joys and sorrow, winning and losing. Good times pass happily, but, the bad ones, seem gloomy and dark. When faced with depression, you tend to be a pessimist, as negative thoughts start clouding the mind. At such times, all you need is motivation or a support for being strong and keep going. Here are some inspirational quotes by famous people in the world that will be helpful to get over the negativity and pessimism in life.
Quotes about Being Strong and Moving On
• The weaker are always anxious for justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either.
– Aristotle
• If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes.
– Corrie ten Boom
• Let go of the things that can no longer be fixed. If you force to try to put them back, things will only get worse. Holding on is being brave, but sometimes moving on makes you even tougher!
– Anonymous
• Be strong, believe in who you are;
be strong, believe in what you feel.
– Melissa Etheridge
• Never give in.. never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force.. never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
– Winston Churchill
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
• I learned that things change, people change, that doesn’t mean you forget the past or try
to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories..
– Anonymous
• I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.
– Rita Mero
A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.
– Louisa May Alcott
• I shall argue that strong men, conversely, know when to compromise and that all principles can be compromised to serve a greater principle.
– Andrew Carnegie
• You become a worrier by practicing worry. You can become free of worry by practicing the opposite and stronger habit of faith. With all the strength and perseverance you can command, start practicing faith.
– Norman Vincent Peale
• Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
– A. A. Milne
• Through persistence, self-knowledge, prayer, commitment, optimism, a resolute trust in God and the building of your own personal moral strength, you can enjoy the blessings of a deeper faith and face the difficulties of life with courage and confidence.
– Norman Vincent Peale
It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.
– Philip Sidney
• Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
– John F Kennedy
• You read through sad love quotes & there’s always one person on your mind..
That probably shouldn’t be there, don’t let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present!
– Anonymous
• Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.
– Albert Einstein
Keep looking my way, my head is held high.
You want to bring me down?
I dare you to try!
– Anonymous